Prep Year FAQ

​How will my child benefit from Prep?
National and international research highlights the importance of quality fulltime early education and smooth transitions to formal schooling to aid children’s long term educational outcomes.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Clare’s Yarrabilba (2024)

Research tells us that children learn best when they actively construct knowledge of their world around them. Therefore your child will be actively involved in an inquiry-based learning program where teachers and children work together to explore, observe, ask questions, discuss observations and seek answers about everyday experiences. On a daily basis your child will be developing their physical skills through a perceptual/gross motor program. They will also be building literacy skills through a variety of language activities including language games.
An old proverb states: “tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand” – this is the essence of inquiry learning where your child actively constructs knowledge in a meaningful way. Prep programs that are child-centred and play based will improve your child’s social and problem-solving skills and encourage them to have a greater interest in learning.
What activities will my child be doing in a Prep program?
Your child will be participating in a learning program based on Australian Early Years Curriculum which is based on active learning, and includes inquiry and play. Some of the activities your child will be participating in:
  • actively making choices about what and how they learn
  • investigating and learning how to inquire about their interests
  • planning collaboratively with the teacher
  • participating in music and language experiences
  • investigating and playing independently, in pairs, small groups and as a class
  • participating in dramatic play to build an understanding of themselves and the world around them
  • drawing and painting to encourage oral language, reading and writing skills
  • constructing, using blocks and creating collages to develop early mathematical concepts and skills.
How will my child learn?
The Prep teacher will select topics of interest to your child so that they can build on what they already know and do. Answers are discovered by exploring resources such as books, and the Internet and by talking to special guest visitors e.g. ambulance, scientist, council representative, nurse, etc. Your child will be encouraged to think about what they have learnt and how they can best communicate their findings and understandings.
Teachers will select texts of interest to your child and build knowledge of reading and writing in the context of real life texts.
What will it mean for me?
It is important that parents understand that a play-based learning program is an important step in your child’s educational journey. When your child plays, they make decisions, solve problems, develop thinking skills, collaborate, communicate and develop a positive sense of self. In Prep, your child will participate in exploratory, directed, fantasy, educational and free play, as well as physical play and games with rules.
The children will play both indoors and outdoors in different ways at different times of the school day. When your child plays, they will develop social and personal learning, language and communication, early mathematical understanding, health and physical ability and active thinking processes. These factors have also been identified in research as the indicators for success in school learning and as the foundations for success in later learning.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Clare’s Yarrabilba (2024

What might going to school look like for my Prep child?
Prep children will attend the same hours of the school as the years one to six and the Prep classrooms are located nearby the year one class groups. Prep children will eat lunch with other children in the Prep area of a school and will play in the playground supervised by the teacher on duty.
What will the Prep classroom be like for my child?
St Clare's Prep classrooms have open spaces set out with different learning areas planned active learning. Some parts of the room have tables and chairs, with other parts consisting of an open space for group and individual activities. There is a carpeted area for story-telling and singing, and an area for painting and construction. 
The Prep classroom also has access to an outdoor learning space.
How will they be cared for?
Prep classes at St Clare's are taught by qualified and experienced early childhood teachers. With their professional knowledge and expertise, these teachers are ideally placed to implement the Preparatory year curriculum. Some parents may be concerned about rest time. Each Prep teacher will consider the needs of their class and make educational decisions about rest time and quiet activities for children in the afternoon. Teachers will respond to the needs of their children when it comes to providing rest time and appropriate quiet time activities.
What will my child learn about Religious Education?
The Religious Education Guidelines for the Early Years support teaching and learning of religious education in the Preparatory Year and align with the aim of Religious Education in the Brisbane Archdiocese.
“All young Catholics, throughout their school years, are provided with opportunities for religious education suited to their age, background and the changing world in which they live.”
(Policy Statement Religious Education of school-Aged Catholics- Archdiocese of Brisbane Catholic Education Council August 2005)
How can I be involved in my child’s learning?
Building partnerships is a key part of the new early years curriculum. Making partnerships with families and carers is a key element to a positive learning environment for young children. Prep teachers will be building on these partnerships and involving families in a variety of ways in the Prep classroom.
If my child has a disability, can they still attend Prep?
If your child has a disability and is of eligible age, they will be included in Prep classes wherever possible. Sometimes if the child has high support needs and cannot be supported in the Prep class then they will eligible for early special education programs such as Special Education Developmental Units and Centres. Please talk to the School Principal for further information and support for your child.