In the spirit of contemporary education and in partnership with parents, our school focuses on essential learning, student growth and quality education. We engage in life long, life giving learning that engages the whole person. We expect all to achieve to the best of their ability, enriching their talents through challenging, exciting and contemporary educational experiences.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Clare’s Yarrabilba (2024)
Learning Areas
The Australian Curriculum is the source of all curriculum planning, assessment and reporting for all learning areas / subjects.
The Arts
Health and Physical Education
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
Learners at St Clare's are supported to develop their capability with a range of contemporary learning technologies as they engage with the curriculum. Our students are supported to engage, create, collaborate and communicate as they participate in a complex and rapidly changing world.
Learning and teaching at St Clare's embraces the school's vision and mission statement. The school advocates for the students to become:
- successful
- creative and confident
- active and informed learners
- empowered to shape and enrich our world